Dr. Alter’s Before and After GENDER CONFIRMATION BREAST AUGMENTATIONS Dr. Alter specializes in transgender sexual reassignment surgery and has spent decades perfecting his reconstructive techniques. All patients featured in this gallery are…
BEFORE & AFTER Gender Confirmation
Dr. Alter’s Before and After FEMALE TO MALE METAIDOIOPLASTY Dr. Alter specializes in male genital surgery and has spent decades perfecting his reconstructive techniques. All patients featured in this gallery are unique…
Dr. Alter’s Before and After FEMALE-TO-MALE CHEST CONTOURING Dr. Alter specializes in transgender sexual reassignment surgery and has spent decades perfecting his reconstructive techniques. All patients featured in this gallery are unique…
Dr. Alter’s Before and After MALE-TO-FEMALE SEX REASSIGNMENT REVISIONS Dr. Alter specializes in transgender sexual reassignment surgery and has spent decades perfecting his reconstructive techniques. All patients featured in this gallery are…
Dr. Alter’s Before and After GENDER CONFIRMATION SURGERY MALE TO FEMALE Dr. Alter specializes in transgender sexual reassignment surgery and has spent decades perfecting his reconstructive techniques. All patients featured in this…